STOP the Leadville Mill 

What's the deal with the Leadville Mill and Cyanide?

An out-of-town company, CJK Milling Company, LLC, proposes to reopen the Leadville Mill and use CYANIDE to process mine waste piles transported from Leadville's historic East Side mining district.  They plan to double the size of a milling operation, creating 500,000 tons of waste material stored at the mill site.  The Mill is adjacent to multiple residential properties and wells, the only wastewater processing facility in the county, and California Gulch drainage that flows to the Arkansas River.  The proposed operation could introduce highly toxic materials, including CYANIDE, into the environment, affecting water, air, and soil quality while also causing major disruptions of traffic, sanitation, and noise.  This is NOT responsible industry!

Water Quality

Water Consumption

Air and Soil

Traffic and Transportation


Quality of Life